Document View Context Menu

The appearance of the context menu of the document may vary depending on where you call it - on a shape, or on an empty area in the document window.

When you right-click on a shape, the context menu will look as follows:

When you right-click on an empty area, the context menu will look as follows:

Cuts selected text or shapes and copies them onto the Clipboard.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Copying and Pasting.

Copies selected shapes or text onto the Clipboard.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Copying and Pasting.

Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the document.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Copying and Pasting.

Deletes selected shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Deleting.

Shape Properties
Calls the Shape Properties dialog where you can change various properties of shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Shape Properties, Dialogs - Modal Dialogs - Shape Properties.

Text Format
Calls the Text Properties dialog for formatting text.
For more information see Text - Formatting Text.

Fit To Text
Resizes the selected shapes according to the dimensions of the text they contain.
For more information see Text - Adjusting a Shape's Size to Fit Its Text.

This menu is used to change position of shapes in the document.

Object -> Send To Back
Puts the selected shapes behind all other shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Changing the Front-to-Back Order.

Object -> Bring To Front
Puts the selected shapes above all other shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Changing the Front-to-Back Order.

Object -> Rotate Left(90°)
Rotates selected shapes by 90° counterclockwise.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Rotating and Flipping.

Object -> Rotate Right(90°)
Rotates selected shapes by 90° clockwise.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Rotating and Flipping.

Object -> Flip Horizontal
Replaces the selected shape with its horizontally mirrored copy.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Rotating and Flipping.

Object -> Flip Vertical
Replaces the selected shape with its vertically mirrored copy.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Rotating and Flipping.

Object -> Edit Text
Edits text of the selected shape.
For more information see Text - Adding Text to a Shape.

Object -> Group
Groups selected shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Grouping and Ungrouping.

Object -> Ungroup
Ungroups selected shapes.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Grouping and Ungrouping.

This menu is used for working with hyperlinks.

Hyperlink -> Open
Opens the hyperlink. Depending on the hyperlink type, this command may open another document page, open another document, launch another application or open a Web page in the Web browser.
For more information see Internet - Using Hyperlinks.

Hyperlink -> Edit...
Edits hyperlink in the Hyperlink dialog.
For more information see Internet - Using Hyperlinks, Dialogs - Modal Dialogs - Hyperlink.

Hyperlink -> Remove
Removes the selected shape's hyperlink.
For more information see Internet - Using Hyperlinks.

Custom Properties...
Allows to set custom properties to the shape.
For more information see Shapes - Custom Properties.